
Top 5 best Google Adsense WordPress Plug-ins

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is the best online advertisement agency for the web sites and blogs owners.  If your are owning web sites or blog by using WordPress then managing Google Adsense is very easier and simpler  by using free plug-ins.

There are lots of plug-ins available for managing Google Adsense on a WordPress site. I have tried many of them and picked top 5 most useful, effective and user friendly plug-ins.

1.  Quick AdSense:

Quick Adsense offers very quick and flexible way to insert Google Adsense code or any other advertisement codes into posts,  pages or sidebar. Its provide short code for inserting Ads code very easily. Its provides facility to insert Ads or disable Ads on the fly by using short code.

2. WP Simple AdSense Insertion:

This plug-in also offers very simpler way to insert Ads into pages, posts and side bar by using short codes. You can use this plug-in not for only Google Adsense but also for any other Ads agency.

3. All-in-One AdSense:

All in One Adsense works for both type of Ads insertion Google adsense ads or yahoo publisher network (YPN) ads to insert into your posts on the fly. Its insert ads into all pages or posts automatically and provides full control over color and CSS.

4. Google AdSense Plugin:

Google Adsense Plugin provides flexibility to manage ads type text or image, text color, ads  position, corner type etc. for showing google adsense on your site. Its provide you option to show ads automatically in whole site or on a particular place. Its also provides multilingual ads option.

5. Easy AdSense:

Easy Adsense plug-in provides option to show ads in header or footer also apart form pages and posts. Its provide full control over the ads positioning and display style. Its display ads blocks depends on post length. Easy Adsense plug-in is multilingual supported.

I have personally tried many ads plug-ins and found Quick Adsense most useful. Because this one is very user friendly and effective.

Please try your self and let me know your experiences by your comments on this post. Thanks..

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